The 10 essential oils to take on vacation.

lavender essential oil
Let's start from the Lavender Officinale essential oil, a true panacea for all ills, its calming properties are excellent for those who need to relax and fall asleep in a bed that is not their own.
True lavender is also analgesic, it can help in case of migraine but also to calm the itching of an insect bite or a jellyfish.
Finally, Lavender works well as a rebalancing agent; smelling it every day during the rest period from work can help us to harmonise our emotions and cure us from stress.
lemon essential oil
THE' Lemon essential oil It is another excellent friend to bring in your suitcase, its antiseptic and astringent function can help us in the case of annoying traveler's diarrhea, it is a very good essential oil for treating hair put to the test by the sun and salt and it is a nervous tonic that can help you relax and keep your attention focused on the moment you are living without distractions, chasing away thoughts related to returning to work or other sources of stress.
Be careful not to put it on your skin before going out in the sun, as it is photosensitive and could leave an unsightly stain for a few days.
tea tree essential oil
You thought we could not mention the properties of Tea Tree?
Well it's definitely impossible, theTea Tree essential oil or Malaleuca Alternifoglia is the first remedy for all small infections, from Herpes to respiratory problems, excellent on insect bites and is also a good help in case you are attacked by a fungus or a parasite.
Gaulteria essential oil
A little-known essential oil that we love very much isGaulteria essential oil or Wintergreen, unlike almost all other essences, Gaulteria is composed of 97% a single molecule with a high analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential; in case of contractures, sprains or strains, it will be an excellent choice to have it with you.
We always recommend not to use it for more than 7 days, its pain-relieving effect could allow you to make movements that in reality it would be much better to avoid.
peppermint essential oil
It keeps ants away, try it and believe it.
basil essential oil
Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil
Helichrysum essential oil
rosemary essential oil
Rosemary can help muscle awakening, aids intestinal motility and supports liver health.
It is also often referred to as an anxiolytic and analgesic and is an energizer.
wild fennel essential oil
Finally we close with the Wild Fennel essential oil, an excellent aid for the entire digestive system, improves digestion and promotes intestinal motility for those who feel uncomfortable away from home, it is also mucolytic and combats menstrual cycle disorders.