Mountain Pine Essential Oil

mountain pine
Pinus mugo

Evergreen needle-like bush of the Pinaceae family.
The essential oil is distilled from the terminal branches in a stream of steam. The area of origin is Alto Adige.
The scent is fresh, resinous, slightly spicy.

Amount: 8ml
Origin: South Tyrol
Cultivation: organic
Distilled: South Tyrol
Internal use: Yes

Natural flavoring for food


4 in stock


Mountain pine essential oil (Pinus mugo) ssymbol of the attachment to life, it grows among a thousand difficulties in the most impervious Alpine and Apennine areas.

Disclosure Information:

what science saysThe Ministry of Health recognizes its balsamic effect and beneficial activity on the nose and throat.


Health and wellnessIn aromatherapy it is used in case of muscle and rheumatic pains and as a purifier of the urinary tract; inhaled to free the bronchi thanks to its expectorant and calming action and it is used as an effective regulator of blood circulation.


Use in the kitchen

In the kitchen and in liqueurs it finds many applications, you can make an excellent flavored butter, an alpine liqueur or flavor grappa.


Psychological effectsFrom a psychological point of view it is the main referent of the heart, understood as the seat of feelings.


Suggested uses:

  • Room diffuser: 2/3 drops in 100 ml of water. We suggest accompanying it with other essential oils.
  • Bath tub: some drop of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to add to hot water with a full bath (used to prevent the oil from volatilizing due to the heat)
  • Massage: a few drops of essential oil in a spoonful of oil through or neutral cream
  • Culinary use: 1 drop in herbal tea

Warnings: Use in moderation, can be a skin irritant. Do not use in case of chronic diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding.
If in doubt consult a doctor/pharmacist.


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