Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil

Radiated Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus Radiata

The Eucalyptus Radiata is a plant of the Mirtaceae family that can reach 50Mt.
Coming from Australia, it has a finer aroma than Eucalyptus Globulus.
The fresh twigs are distilled in a current of steam.
The scent is fresh, balsamic, camphorated.

Amount: 8ml
Origin: Australia
Cultivation: spontaneous collection
Distilled: Australia
Internal use: Yes in moderation and not for prolonged periods


6 in stock


The essential oil of Eucalyptus Radiata (Eucalyptus Radiatacomposes together with Globulus and al Citriodora our offer of this family of such important plants.

what science saysThe HMPC (Herbal Medicine Product Committee, technical committee of the European Medicines Agency) recognizes that eucalyptus relieves cough associated with a cold symptom.


Health and wellnessIt is used in Naturopathy for the treatment of cystitis through washings, being the least toxic of the Eucalyptus it can also be used on children over 6 years of age.


Respiratory system

Ideal, in the form of suffumiges, or by massaging the chest, to improve respiratory tract ailments.


Psychological effects

With its ability to clean, protect, refresh, it allows you to affect moods in which disorder and overexcitement prevail.


Suggested uses:

  • Room diffuser: choice between 3 and 6 drops in 100 ml of water
  • Suffumigi: 3/4 drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt in 1 liter of hot water for 20 minutes. Keep eyes and mouth closed.
  • Bath tub: 8/10 drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to put in hot water (used to prevent the oil from volatilizing due to the heat)
  • Massages: we recommend diluting 2/3 drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of oil via

Warnings: Do not use in case of chronic diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding.
If in doubt consult a doctor/pharmacist.


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