Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), symbols of dignity, were used by Mandarins, senior Chinese officials, to perfume their breath before addressing the Emperor or his beloved.
The area of origin of the essential oil is Sri Lanka.
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The Ministry of Health recognizes its healthy action on the well-being of the nose and throat, the antioxidant action and the balsamic properties. It has digestive function, regulates gastrointestinal motility and helps to eliminate air.
It has antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic qualities (in the latter case, applied locally conveyed by olive oil, it is a good remedy against toothache), recommended in Naturopathy to ease muscle and arthritic pain and in case of fungi of the skin and intestinal parasites, some scientific research has demonstrated its effectiveness against the Herpes Simplex virus, here you find a complete card on the pharmacological activities of Clove Essential Oil by Doctor Matteo Politi.
Diluted in a carrier oil or cream, it is indicated for burns, bruises, cuts.
Sniffed or diffused, it has antiviral properties, cleans the air and reduces the sense of nausea.
It is used as a mosquito repellent.
Very important spice in the kitchen, try it in yours spray version, is one of the ingredients of our Liquor No.4
Suggested uses:
- Room diffuser: choice between 3 and 6 drops in 100 ml. of water
- Bath tub: 8/10 drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to put in hot water (used to prevent the oil from volatilizing due to the heat)
- Massages: we recommend diluting 1/2 drops of essential oil in a spoonful of oil through
- Cosmetic use: add 1 drop of essential oil to a spoonful of natural-based moisturizer
- Food use: we recommend 1/2 drops every 100 gr. of food to flavor
- Toothache: rinse in warm water by placing a drop of Clove essential oil for every 100 ml of water
Warnings: Do not use in case of chronic diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding.
If in doubt, consult a doctor/naturopath.
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