Star Anise Essential Oil

Star Anise
Illicium Verum

Evergreen tree with a long, slender, white trunk, it can reach 12 metres in height.
Its star-shaped fruits, organically grown in Vietnam, are steam distilled by us in Santa Bianca, producing a pale yellow essential oil with a warm, sweet and spicy scent.

Amount: 4 ml
Origin: Vietnam
Cultivation: organic
Distilled: Saint Bianca
Internal use: Yes

Natural Food Flavor


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Star Anise (illicium Verum) It is a plant used for over 1300 years in traditional Chinese medicine, a fundamental spice in cooking and a bearer of a message of joy.

Disclosure information:

what science saysThe Ministry of Health recognizes its beneficial effect on the nose and throat; it thins bronchial secretions. It has a digestive function and regulates gastrointestinal motility. Carminative.


Health and WellnessFor aromatherapists its properties are multiple: antispasmodic, antiseptic, stomachic, digestive, aperitif, carminative, stimulant and sedative.


Respiratory System

It is used in aromatherapy as an effective remedy against bronchitis, coughs and colds as it is a good mucolytic.


Digestive system

It is considered by naturopaths to be a digestive and antispasmodic, it acts on the entire gastrointestinal tract, promotes the elimination of intestinal gas and is effective against bad breath; for its sedative and astringent function it is effective against nervous diarrhea.


Suitable for soaps

For aromatherapists, thanks to its astringent properties, added to a green clay mask it is useful for oily skin, it is used as an ingredient in remedies against greasy hair, itching and dandruff.


Use in cookingVery important spice in the kitchen, dilute the essential oil in a fat (EVO oil or butter..) and season your dish at the end of cooking, add it to your centrifuged juices, syrups, jams.. it is such a versatile essence that will be at your service to prepare exceptional recipes. The essential oil of Star Anise is the base for the preparation of Sambuca, you could try to make your own liqueur by mixing it with alcohol, sugar and water.

Psychological effects

In Psycho-Aromatherapy it is considered an essential oil linked to happiness and joy, it teaches how to laugh and disinhibits.


Suggested Uses:

  • Diffuser: 2/3 drops in 100ml of water
  • Fumigations: a few drops of OE emulsified in salt in hot water. Keep eyes and mouth closed.
  • Bath tub: 8/10 drops of essential oil Emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to be put in hot water (serves to prevent the oil from volatilizing)
  • Massage: We recommend diluting 1/3 drop of essential oil in a spoonful of oil/via (or cream).
  • Culinary use: We recommend 1/3 drops of essential oil in 100 ml of food to be added at the end of cooking, mixed with a seasoning. (We suggest always starting with the lowest recommended dose, to, if necessary, increase the drops in the future.

Warnings: Do not use in case of chronic diseases, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and in young children.
Caution for people with blood sugar problems and hypertensive subjects, because it increases the absorption of glucose and sodium in the kidneys, with an anti-diuretic effect.
In high doses, star anise has narcotic effects, causing brain disorders. It also slows blood circulation.
All information and suggested uses are taken from Aromatherapy manuals.
If in doubt, consult a doctor/pharmacist.

Informazioni aggiuntive


4ml, 8ml


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