Sandalwood Essential Oil

Santalum Album

Evergreen parasitic tree, with small pinkish-purple flowers of the Santalaceae family.
The area of origin is Sri Lanka.
It is steam distilled, starting from the roots and the heartwood, the internal part of the trunk, pulverized and dried.
The scent is enveloping, woody, resinous, with a lemon verbena note.

Amount: 2 ml
Origin: Sri Lanka

Original price was: 25,00€.Current price is: 15,00€.

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Sandalwood essential oil (Santalum Album) It is one of the oldest materials used in perfumery, there are references to it as far back as 4000 years ago, wood was used to build temples, a symbol of full maturity.

Disclosure information:

what science saysAs reported by the Ministry of Health, Sandalwood has antioxidant properties and helps drain excess fluids by supporting the functionality of the urinary tract. It is a digestive and carminative. It promotes gastrointestinal motility.


Health and Wellness

In Chinese medicine it is used to treat stomach ache and nausea, Ayurvedic medicine uses it in case of urinary and respiratory infections.
Due to its antibacterial action, it is used in aromatherapy for infections.


Respiratory System In aromatherapy it is recommended to treat bronchitis, sore throat and is attributed with an expectorant action.


Suitable for soaps

Traditionally used in cosmetics as an ingredient for perfumes and massage oil, as it is recognized as effective for oily skin, acne and skin infections. It is indicated by naturopaths to reduce stretch marks and to mitigate inflammation from shaving or hair removal.


Psychological effectsConsidered an aphrodisiac, it removes complexes and insecurities, giving new impetus to desire.
At the same time, by increasing self-awareness, it improves communication with others. Together with aggression, it also reduces the resentment that fuels it.


Diffusion in the air

Added to the diffuser it creates a warm and relaxing atmosphere, try pouring a few drops into the drawers to perfume your clothes with its oriental notes.


Suggested Uses:

  • Room diffuser: 2/3 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • Bath tub: someone drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to be put in hot water (this serves to prevent the oil from volatilizing due to the heat).
  • Massage: diluted in a spoonful of oil through.

Warnings: Generally non-toxic. However, use in moderation. Do not use in case of chronic diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If in doubt, consult a doctor.


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