Marjoram Essential Oil

Majorana Oregano

Perennial and herbaceous aromatic plant of the Laminaceae family.
The flowering branches are distilled by steam distillation.
Its scent is warm, woody, spicy.
The color is light yellow or amber.

Amount: 4ml
Origin: Morocco
Cultivation: Organic
Distilled: Morocco
Internal Use: Yes

Natural Food Flavor

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Marjoram essential oil (Origanum Majorana) It is extracted from a plant used since the ancient Egyptians and Greeks for the preparation of medicinal ointments and which was called 'Joy of the mountains'.

what science saysThe Ministry of Health recognizes the ability to fluidify bronchial secretions and bring well-being to the upper respiratory tract. It has digestive and carminative functions.


Health and Wellness

In aromatherapy it is considered beneficial for digestive and menstrual problems (but not in cases of abundant influx as it is a vasodilator), for respiratory tract conditions and useful against muscular and rheumatic pain. It is suggested by naturopaths as an analgesic, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral, and is also used as a fungicide.


suitable for massage

It is applied, diluted in a oil through, during beneficial massages for lumbago, arthritis, pain, strains and muscle stiffness and rheumatism.


Psychological effectsMarjoram essential oil is very versatile, active and fast.
Its activity has good persistence and a good rebalancing effect.
Powerful anxiety reliever that, thanks to its warming effect, relaxes and harmonizes.
Marjoram essential oil increases self-confidence and refines overall vision.
Useful for those who are trapped in a pattern, or a vicious circle, for those who are trapped in pain, resentment and bitterness.

Suggested Uses:
Room diffuser: choose between 3 and 6 drops in 100 ml. of water
Fumigations:  a few drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt in 1 litre of hot water for 20 minutes. Keep eyes and mouth closed
Bath tub:  8/10 drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to be put in hot water (this helps prevent the oil from volatilizing due to the heat)
Massages: We recommend diluting a few drops of essential oil in a spoonful of oil via

Warnings: Non-toxic essential oil, its use is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If in doubt, consult a doctor/pharmacist.



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