Sage Flower Essential Oil

Sage Flowers
Sage officinalis

In Santa Bianca, in addition to essential oils of Sage And Clary Sage, we also distill only the flowers of Salvia Officinale. A very low yield to obtain a very fragrant oil, extraordinarily sweet and smooth. A unique choice.

Amount: 4 ml
Origin: Saint Bianca
Cultivation: organic
Distilled: Saint Bianca
Internal Use: Yes

Natural Food Flavor


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Sage Flower Essential Oil (Sage officinalis) It is a specialty of Santa Bianca.
No one in the world distills only the flowers of this very important plant.

Disclosure information:

what science saysIt is recognized by the Ministry of Health as an antioxidant, a tonic for the body against physical and mental fatigue. It regulates sweating and combats menopause disorders. Beneficial for the health of the nose and throat. It has a digestive and carminative function.


Health and Wellness

Used in naturopathy to combat flu and respiratory ailments and to regulate menstrual flow and typical menopause disorders.


Suitable for soaps

Refreshing and deodorizing, it is used as an ingredient in soap, deodorant or shampoo. Massaged locally it helps maintain healthy skin and control acne.



Sage was used to soothe the itch of insect bites.


Use in cooking

This oil, due to its uniqueness, can be truly surprising in the kitchen; the typical scent and flavour of Sage are combined with a delicate and delicious floral note.
We use it in our Flavoured Oil “Dipinto N.13″


Psychological effects

In Naturopathy, Sage is suggested against anxiety and nervous exhaustion, to enhance memory and concentration.


Suggested Uses and Dosage:

  • Room diffuser: 3/6 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • Massage: dilute 2/3 drops of essential oil in a spoonful of oil through.

Warnings: Use in moderation. Do not use in case of chronic diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If in doubt, consult a doctor/pharmacist.


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