Dill Essential Oil

Anethum Graveolens

Annual or biennial herbaceous plant.
The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering heads.
Slightly spicy, warm scent.

Amount: 4ml
Origin: Iran
Type of cultivation: Organic
Distilled: Iran
Internal Use: Yes

Natural Food Flavor

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Dill Essential Oil (Anethum Graveolens) It was used since ancient times as a medicinal and aromatic herb.
It is often used in Northern European countries to flavor bread and fish.

Disclosure information:

what science saysIt is recognized by the Ministry of Health as a digestive and regulator of the action of
liver. It has beneficial effects on the nose and throat. It combats menstrual cycle disorders.


Health and Wellness

According to aromatherapists, it stimulates the production of breast milk and is a good remedy for amenorrhea.


Digestive systemDill essential oil is used in aromatherapy for its calming and antispasmodic properties, it is used to calm hiccups, nervous vomiting, colic of nervous origin and aerophagia; it is also a diuretic and promotes the elimination of water and nitrogenous waste.


Respiratory systemFor aromatherapists it is useful in case of bronchitis to relieve the feeling of oppression, massage the chest with the essential oil diluted in a vegetable oil.


Use in cookingExcellent on fish, try diluting it in a fat such as olive oil or butter, we also recommend it on cocktails in its spray version Essentia Dill




Recommended uses:

  • Room diffuser: choose between 3 and 6 drops in 100 ml. of water
  • Bath tub: A few drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to be put in hot water (this helps prevent the oil from volatilising due to the heat)
  • Massages: We recommend diluting a few drops of essential oil in a spoonful of oil through
  • Food Use: We recommend 1/2 drops per 100 gr. of food to be flavoured, to be added at the end of cooking (we suggest always starting with the lowest recommended dose and, if necessary, increasing the drops in the future)
Warnings: Do not use if you have chronic diseases.
All information and suggested uses are taken from aromatherapy manuals.
If in doubt, consult a doctor/pharmacist


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