Essentia | Clary Sage

Quantity: 50 ml: each bottle guarantees more than 400 sprays Origin: Santa Bianca Type of Cultivation: Organic Distilled: Santa Bianca Natural Food Flavor Available online on our website.

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Clary Sage Essential Oil (Clary Sagealso called Salvia Moscatella is a symbol of intuitive science, it is linked to the lunar goddess, to the feminine universe.

It is grown in Santa Bianca.
The essential oil is steam distilled from the entire flowering plant.
The scent is sweet, herbaceous, warm, spicy, of still green fruit.

Essentia Cocktail & Food Finish is a line of totally natural spray essential oils, designed to perfume your creations with a simple gesture.
The ingredients are organic food alcohol, distilled water in Santa Bianca, previously improved by exploiting the earth's magnetism and pure, food-grade essential oils of the highest quality.


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