Bitter Orange Essential Oil (citrus aurantium) expresses and inspires vitality, gradually dissolving tensions. It has more or less the same functions as theSweet Orange but it is more incisive.
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The Ministry of Health recognizes its digestive functions and transit regulating effect
intestinal also eliminating air.
In aromatherapy, a few drops are taken dissolved in a spoonful of honey as a febrifuge or to calm headaches.
Smelled or diffused in the air, it is useful for dealing with insomnia and dissolving tension, it purifies the air as it destroys toxins.
It is suggested by aromatherapists for mouthwashes in the presence of mouth ulcers, stomatitis and gingivitis; it purifies the lymphatic system and is a tonic for blood circulation, to be applied through a carrier oil or a cream on the affected area it helps to reduce cellulite. Appropriately diluted it fights acne, remember that citrus fruits in general are photosensitive so do not expose yourself to the sun during application.
Bitter Orange essential oil is recommended in aromatherapy as an abdominal antispasmodic and to help with abdominal cramps; as an aperitif and digestive; useful in cases of constipation.
An excellent friend in the kitchen, we also offer bitter orange essential oil in its spray version Essentia and in theEssentia Blend Bitter Orange and Cinnamon. On our site you can find recipes such as Cocoa Pudding, it Deer Stew and the Sea Bass Sashimi, it is also an oil often present in the recipes of our flavoured oil Dipinto.
In Psycho-aromatherapy it is considered an essential oil useful against anxiety and anti-stress.
Suggested Uses:
- Room diffuser: choose between 3 and 6 drops in 100 ml. of water
- Bath tub: 8/10 drops of essential oil emulsified in coarse salt or milk or cream or honey to be put in hot water (this helps prevent the oil from volatilizing due to the heat)
- Massages: we recommend diluting 3/5 drops of essential oil in a spoonful of oil via
- Cosmetic use: add 3/5 drops of essential oil to a spoonful of natural moisturizing cream
- Food use: we recommend 3/4 drops per 100 gr. of food to be flavored to be added at the end of cooking (we suggest always starting from the lowest recommended dose to, if necessary, increase the drops in the future). This essential oil also goes very well in some cocktails.
- Oral cavity: 2 drops in a glass of water
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