Course 5: The Care and Well-being of the Female Body with Essential Oils

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Our journey into the world of Aromatherapy continues with a lesson held by Doctor Vera Sganga.

The Care and Well-being of the Female Body with Essential Oils

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What will we talk about?

The skin is the organ that perhaps more than any other reflects our internal state externally.
Taking care of our body can become a way of taking care of ourselves and our emotions.
Perfumes, aromatic essences, essential oils accompany us with their messages and their profound and harmonious actions on a wonderful journey inside and outside of us.
Through simple gestures and aromatic practices to introduce into our daily lives we can manifest the beauty that is within us.
We will see together some of the essential oils that are best suited to dialogue with our emotions while also taking care of our skin and hair, their practical applications and emotional beauty recipes that are easy to prepare and use.


Vera Sganga, after graduating in law, embarked on a course of study that led her to delve deeper into naturopathy, graduating from the SIMO School in Milan with a specialization in Aromatherapy.
He attends numerous seminars to learn more about aromatherapy and begins a collaboration as a teacher and consultant at the same SIMO school.
She is a relational counselor and combines counseling sessions with the use of essential oils to help people manage disharmonious situations and find emotional well-being. Author of the book Practical Guide to Aromatherapy – Edizioni Enea
Receives in Florence and Milan


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