Course 6: Cleaning and Harmony of environments with essential oils | Vera Sganga

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Our journey into the world of Aromatherapy continues with a lesson held by Doctor Vera Sganga.

Cleansing and harmonizing environments with essential oils

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What are we talking about?

The home, the workplace and the environments we come into contact with on a daily basis are not sterile, neither from a strictly physical point of view, nor from an energetic and emotional point of view.

In this meeting we will deal with the spaces in which we live and work in order to understand what kind of cleanliness and energy we want around us. How we feel when we enter an environment can already give us some indication to understand how to make it harmonious and comfortable for us

We will learn the importance of taking care of our home and the influence it can have on our daily and night life.

We will treat the physical cleaning of environments with the use of essential oils to be mixed with cleaning substances of natural origin, creating an effective and perfumed detergent and disinfectant.

We will evaluate the essential oils that can be used in the different spaces of our homes by choosing those fragrances that carry the message we need.

It is a very practical meeting with recipes that can be made in complete safety, such as aromatic sprays, room diffusion mixes and much more.


Vera Sganga, after graduating in law, embarked on a course of study that led her to delve deeper into naturopathy, graduating from the SIMO School in Milan with a specialization in Aromatherapy. She attended numerous seminars to delve deeper into aromatherapy and began a collaboration as a teacher and consultant at the same SIMO school. She is a relational counselor and combines counseling sessions with the use of essential oils to help people manage disharmonious situations and regain emotional well-being. Author of the book Practical Guide to Aromatherapy – Edizioni Enea Riceve in Florence.


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