5th Chakra

Composed of 100% essential oil of:

  • lavender (lavandula hybrida)
  • sage flowers (salvia officinalis)
  • lemon (citrus limonum)



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Color: Sky blue
Element: Hetero
Sense: Hearing
Mantras: Sol

Vishuddha, is located between the throat and the neck; the center of communication, listening, perception and expression are located here, when it is well open this chakra naturally leads us to weave social relationships and to grow internally.
When the chakra is closed and disharmonious we struggle to interact with others, to communicate our ideas and we become closed in shyness.

We created the Chakra line by creating a synergy between essential oils indicated by the scriptures as beneficial.
All our Synergistic Blends are composed of 100% only Essential Oils, apply it on the affected Chakra after having diluted it in a carrier oil.
For the 5th Chakra we have chosen:

Lavender: It helps to rebalance the nervous system, containing excess emotion, promoting sleep, curbing melancholy and freeing us from apathy.

Sage Flowers: She is recognized for her power to persuade, taking into account the task entrusted to her.
It calms emotions, directs thoughts, keeps anxiety and phobias under control, immersing the person in an active serenity.

Lemon: It has the undisputed property of restoring joy, providing the necessary dose of optimism and willpower, favoring prolonged intellectual efforts. Symbol of joy, it increases self-confidence. Eliminates doubts, the absence of ideas and tiredness.

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