Essentia | Damask Rose

Quantity: 50ml: each bottle guarantees more than 400 sprays
Origin: Persia
Type of cultivation: organic
Distilled: Persia

Natural Food Flavor
Distributed exclusively for Italy by VELIER and can be purchased online on our website.


Only 5 left in stock


The healing virtues of Damask Rose (damask rose) They have been known since ancient times.
It is one of the oldest plants on earth. Fossil forms have been found that date back 40 million years. In addition, there are clay tablets from Pylos, in the Peloponnese, dated about 1500 BC, which report data on the purchase of rose oil.
It takes approximately 7 tons of rose petals collected before dawn and distilled within a few hours to obtain 1 liter of essential oil.
Due to the size of the territory, our Essential Oil is extracted in Iran, we distill in Santa Bianca Rose Water.

Sublime perfume, typical of the rose, floral, sweet and wonderful.

Try itRose essential oil pure.

Essentia Cocktail & Food Finish is a line of totally natural spray essential oils, designed to perfume your creations with a simple gesture.
The ingredients are organic food alcohol, distilled water in Santa Bianca, previously improved by exploiting the earth's magnetism and pure, food-grade essential oils of the highest quality.

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