Essential oils and masks, how and which ones to use.


We are all forced to use masks to protect public health.

While it is true that it is an essential gesture to keep us healthy, it is also true that having a blocked mouth and nose is quite annoying.
Furthermore, masks must be sanitized after each use, and denatured alcohol certainly does not smell good.
This article of ours wants to suggest the use of some of our products (actually created with a completely different purpose) to sanitize your masks and make the prolonged use we are called to more pleasant and refreshing.
As our readers may already know, essential oils are powerful bactericides, some are also antiviral and others have the ability to “clean” the air we breathe.
In these months for our trips from the farm we have resorted to using our oils and we would like to share with you some little tricks:

Using pure oils

One of the methods of use that we often suggest to our customers for our oils is to carry around a handkerchief to smell where you can pour drops of essential oil when needed.
On these hot days, with the mask always on, the stale smell appears quite quickly and inside it quickly becomes a culture of bacteria.
Add a drop of essential oil as needed and suddenly the feeling of constriction, bad smell and bacteria will disappear and you will be able to smell your favorite essence.
Unlike many of the essential oils on the market, ours are pure and natural and do not contain chemicals, so you will have a double benefit by combining the freshness of the scents with the immediate sanitization of the mask.
Here are some oils that we have found particularly effective: citrus fruits they are very powerful antiseptics and purify the air; Ylang-Ylang it has an intoxicating and comforting scent, lowers tension and acts beneficially on the skin, avoiding redness caused by the mask; the lavender it's a panacea for all ills, having a bottle of it with you will also be useful for other needs; the Swiss pine it is fresh and sweet at the same time and is an excellent air purifier; the Patchuli purifies the skin fighting acne like all petit grain (citrus leaves).
These are just some of the oils that can be used, look inside the our catalog the essence that can best solve your need.

We also recommend you take a look at the our room fragrances composed of 100% essential oils

Hydroalcoholic sprays

We would also like to point out our hydroalcoholic sprays which were actually created as a work tool for the best bartenders in the world but, being composed of organic alcohol, water distilled by us and pure essential oils, they can also be used as hand sanitizers or to spray them inside the mask.
Essentia Earth for example it is composed of 60% alcohol and contains two types of Eucalyptus which are powerful antiseptics, anti-inflammatories and with a great capacity to clean the air, it also contains Swiss Pine whose virtues we have illustrated above; Essentia N.4 It contains two mandarins, powerful antiseptics and cleaners, myrtle which helps overcome breathing difficulties and fights mask acne, as well as cloves which also relieve nausea and are powerful analgesics.
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