Chocolate drink scented with Cardamom essential oil

chocolate and cardamom

The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping, what's better than a nice cup of Chocolate? Today for the #ricettessenziali chef Roberto Abbadati teaches you how to make a chocolate drink flavored with Cardamom Essential Oil. Video: Marco Waldis.

Signature Cocktail Recipes: Rise after wedding by Morris Maramaldi

Morris Mau was part of the team at Dude Club first and SoulMath later, the two Geronimo venues, he saw Essentia grow by using them behind the bar and coming with us to almost all the Hospitality world fairs. Today he shares this recipe with us, a revisitation of the classic Old Fashioned with the liqueur […]

Signature Cocktail Recipes: Autumn Swing by Guillermo Pittalunga

Autumn Swing is a drink created by Guillermo Pittalunga inspired by the old fashioned and flavored with our Essentia | Mandarino Verde. Guillermo and I met at the Berlin Convent and immediately connected. We can't wait to start traveling again so we can continue to meet interesting people like him.  

Signature Cocktail Recipes: Three Dots Martini by Fabio Spinelli

Fabio Spinelli is one of the first bartenders to have appreciated our Essentia essential oil sprays, he saw the birth of the project and helped us develop it with advice and criticism. This is why we are very happy to present the new Essentia Blend | Aria di Mare with one of his recipes. Enjoy the […]

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